Tankersley Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Cullman AL Woman Thinking

Killing Me Softly with Diet Soft Drinks

Killing Me Softly with Diet Soft Drinks Most all diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners contain Aspartame. Aspartame is 40% aspartate, aspartate is TOXIC to neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. The arcuate nucleus is a key site for leptin signaling which instructs us to reduce food intake. The earlier the exposure to…

Chiropractic Cullman AL Happy Old Couple

If You Want To Extend Your Life Expectancy, Then Omega 3 Is Your Best Defense

Killing Me Softly with Diet Soft Drinks Most all diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners contain Aspartame. Aspartame is 40% aspartate, aspartate is TOXIC to neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. The arcuate nucleus is a key site for leptin signaling which instructs us to reduce food intake. The earlier the exposure to…

Chiropractic Cullman AL Respiratory Track Illness

Respiratory Tract Illness During The First Year Of Life

Respiratory Tract Illness During The First Year Of Life 1. Children that have dogs at home were healthier (had fewer respiratory tract symptoms or infections) than children with no dog contacts by 31%. 2. Children having dog contacts at home had less frequent otitis (by 44%) and tended to need fewer courses of antibiotics (by…